Start on a jug on the left rock, go out the roof to the right and mantle on the middle.
Inga registrerade bestigningar för Getingen.
Apocalypse, 7A
Sitstart, go slightly to the left.
Apocalypse h., 7A
Start the same as Apocalypse but go to the right and exit in Götterdämmerung.
Dalle d´Jon, 5+
Straight up.
Getingen, 6B+
Start on a jug on the left rock, go out the roof to the right and mantle on the middle.
Götterdämmerrung, 7A+
Sitstart with hands on the ledge, go straight up.
Varsegod, 4+
Sitstart to the right, follow the edge to the top. Ok to stand on the rock to the right.