Inga registrerade bestigningar för Pussklubben.
Barbapappas Resa, 4+
Standing start with hands in Klumpfot's ledge but traverse using hands on the upper edge, feet in crack of Klumpfot and exit as JAS.
Dwarf Birch Hunter, 6A
Start with hands on big jug, go straight up.
Dwarf hunter, 6C+
Sitstart with hands on ramp, go straight up.
Ensamdvärg, 6B
Sitstart, straight up.
Ett fint problem, 7A+
Fight Club, 7B
Sitstart, traverse to the rigth exit in Dwarf Hunter.
JAS - Grip den!, 6C
Starts on hold where the vertical crack meets the horizontal crack, dyno to the top.
JAS - Störta!, 5+
Klumpfot, 6A+
Traverse. Sitstart with hands on ledge at the far left (arete), follow the thin horizontal crack to the right and exit with just the crack and the pocket.
No time to dance, 6C+
Sitstart with left hand on crimp and right hand on arete, go straight up.
Ormbunken, 3+
Standing start, through the hole and up
Pussklubben, 7A+
Start as Fight Club, go straight up.
Razors Edge , ?
Start with hands on crimp, follow the crack to the left and mantel at the tip.
Reach the top, 5
Start in crack, straight up.
Smack my bitch up, 6B+
Start with hands to the right on the ledge, climb straight up to the highest point. The rocks underneath is not included.
The Grater, 6C+
Sitstart, straight up.
Warts, 6B
Start with right hand on big hold and left hand on sidepul, go straight up without using the big ledge to the left.