Inga registrerade bestigningar för Vit vaksamhet.
Alarm, 6A+
Left side of the arete. Don´t stand on the rocks below.
Allegro, 6C+
Sitstart by the arete, straight up.
Back in the days, 3+
Straight up.
Defcon 1, 6C
Sitstart, straight up.
Hyllhängaren, 6C+
Höjdarna, 7B
Start the same as Defcon 1, go left to the arete then up.
Hörnet, 6B+
Och vad är detta?, 5
Sit start.
Red Alert, 6C+
Sitstart, straight up.
Såja, 7B
Sitstart, straight up.
Vit vaksamhet, 5+
Standing start by the white arrow