Inga registrerade bestigningar för Crackers.
Amaranth, 6B+
Go straight up 1,5 meters right of Crackers.
Amaranthgröt, 6C+
Sittstart till Amaranth. Starta något vänster om Sending Deamons
Backsplash, 6A+
Dubbledyno from the rock below to the big sloper.
Crackers, 5+
Follow the crack.
Horceforce, 7C
Start with sidepul for left hand and crimp for the right, go straight up the arete,
Overload, 7C+
Sitstart down to the right, travers to the left and exit in Reload.
Overload rakt upp, 6C+
Sitstart, go straight up.
Reload, 7B
Start with two crimpse, go straight up.
Sending demons, 8A
Sitstart down to the left, exit in Reload.