Inga registrerade bestigningar för Kriterium.
Arbetshandskar, 3+
Go up to the right of Kriterium.
Barnvisorna håller mig vaken, 6B
Dynamiska duon, 7B+
Start with right hand on small crimp. Go slightly to the left then out on the wall again.
Elite Hotel, 6B+
Follow the arete to the top.
Klämkäck, 6C
Sitstart, climb straight up witout using the wall to the left. Ends on a jug.
Kriterium, 5+
Follow the edge on the left side, go up at the ledge.
Meatbeard, 4+
Climb straight up behind the stalactite.
Profile, 5+
Straight up.
Stumble Into Grace, 5+
Follow the crack.
Wrecking Ball, 7A+
Start to the left of the tree, go straight up.