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Inga registrerade bestigningar för Johan.Von.Skåne.
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Problem i denna sektor
Dogleg, 7A
Start with undercling, go slightly to the left.
Hole in One, 6B
Dyno from the edge to the pocket.
Homeschool, 7B
Sitstart with hands on sloper, traverse to the right and exit in Lifeline.
Johan.Von.Skåne, 7A
Sitstart to Värmaren.
La Maria Jansson, 4+
Straight up.
Lifeline, 6A+
Sitstart at the big pocket, follow the arete.
Pelvis, 6A+
Jumpstart to the two gaston holds, straight up.
Slice, 6A
Straight up.
Stand Fast, 6B
Sitstart with hands on sloper, straight up.
Värmaren, 5+
Straight up.
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