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Inga registrerade bestigningar för Grange.
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Problem i denna sektor
Art of Ice, 7B+
Start with hand i horizontal crack, follow the vertical crack to the top.
Artiste, 7B+
Start with hands in horizontal crack. Go straight up to the left of vertical crack.
Bastardo, 7B
Start with left hand on jug, go straight up.
Bouquet, 5+
Sitstart left of the tree next to Pinot noir. Climb the small arete
Bubbel, 5
Straight up.
Grange, 6B
Sit start.
Pinot Noir, 6C
Start with hands in crack, go slightly to the right.
Project, ?
Dyno from the crimp. Go straight up.
Shiraz, 6C
Go straight up.
Syrah, 7B+
Follow the crack to the top.
Trousseau, 6B
Start with right hand on jug, go out to the left.
Vinballen, 7B
Runstart, go straight up.
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