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Inga registrerade bestigningar för Slopey Hollow ss.
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Problem i denna sektor
Epiphany, 7A
Sitstart. Dyno from the jug to the lipp, then up.
Epiphany static, 6B
Kloss, 6B
Start with left hand on jug, right hand on crimp. Climb to the left then up.
Livtag, 6A+
Start under the rock with hands on the two aretes. Climb up on the right side.
Slopey Hollow, 6A
Start with bouth hand on crimp, go straight up.
Slopey Hollow direct, 6C
Dyno from the crimp to the top.
Slopey Hollow ss, 6C+
Sitstart, straight up.
Snedtag, 6C
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