Sitstart. Two pads allowed if you can´t reach the startholds.
Inga registrerade bestigningar för Campusören.
Campusören, 7A+
Sitstart. Two pads allowed if you can´t reach the startholds.
Junilisten, 5+
Start with both hands on the crimp, go straight up.
Marodören, 6C
Sitstartat at the big slopers, straight up.
Microwave, 7B
Sit start.
Odeur, 7B
Start with hands on lipp, treverse to the right and exit in Campusören.
Scrape, 7A
Sitstart. Start with left hand on gaston and right hand on sidepullcrimp, straight up.
Sekatören, 6C
Straight up, no jumpstart.
Skärgårdsdröm, 6A+
Sitstart, climb straight up on the right side of the arete.
Skärgårdsflum, 6A
Sultan of Swing, 7B+
Start with left hand on low crimp and right hand on big hold, climb straigt out the overhang and up.
Sultan of Swing low, 7C
Start med båda händerna i stora undertaget.
The Rightwave, 6B
Jumpstart to the good hold 2 meters to the right of The Wave. Traverse to the left and exit the same way as The Wave.
The Turtle, 6C+
Start on the big sloper, go to the right and then up.
The Wave, 6C
Jumpstart, straight up.