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Inga registrerade bestigningar för Barrel and Bones.
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Problem i denna sektor
Barrel, 5
To the right of "Gubbar och Galoscher". Sitstart on the smal rock, straight up.
Barrel and Bones, 6A+
Bones, 5
Delade Meningar, 6B
Sitstart, go straight up.
Funkyard, 7B+
Gubbar och Galoscher, 7B+
Junkyard, 7B
Sitstart, go straight up without escaping to the left.
Junkyard stå, 6B+
Punkyard, 7B+
Sitstart about 3 meters to the right of Junkyard. Follow the ledge and exit the same way as Junkyard.
Spring, 7B
Marked startholds, go straight up.
Svarta Katten, 7A+
Trin Tragula, 7C
Sittstart. Left hand on crimp, right hand on sidepul, go straight up.
Vidgade Vyer, 6A+
Start to the right of the tree, go straight up.
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