Inga registrerade bestigningar för Stretch and twist.
Cafetino, 7A
sit LH on high small gaston crimp RH on a good sidepull crimp dont use the topshelf
EZ says Mr.J, 7A
Sit Same start some Future Lifehack
Future Lifehack, 7A+
Sit LH on low slopesidepull RH on lowest good list
Future Lifehack low, 7B
Sit LH on undercling/sidepull crimp RH on right side of arete on a small slopeledge
Kaa Boom, 6C
RH on the lowest good hold in vertical crack LH on a sidepullcrimp/pinch on the otherside of arete
Kaa Boom ss, 7B+
Lost in translation, 6C
Sit RH on big sloperledge LH on small sidepull crimp
Mechanic mechanism, 6B+
LH on high small crimp RH on lower undercling
Offwidth, 5+
On the wall, 7A
Projekt crimpy, 3+
Roberts List, 6A
Stretch and twist, 6B+
Upfahrten, 6B